Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome to my Humble Blog!

Hello hello, welcome to I Love LC Style!

Who am I?
I'm just an Asian teenage/adult woman (depending on the situation [8 ) attempting to enter the blogging world. You may refer to me as LC.

My mission?
Not really a mission, more like trying to share with everyone my experiences and to hope I can be of some assistance in the social world.

Why the name?
Well, "I Love Lucy" is quite the catch-phrase, correct? "I Love LC" is my own, and because this is somewhat of a lifestyle blog, I thought LC could take the place for "life," so "LCStyle" it was.

What sort of blog will this be?
I'm envisioning some sort of.. lifestyle/food/travel blog? Maybe an advice column, ranting posts, discoveries, etc... her and there? Be prepared for the worst, hope for the best.